Please read carefully:
By submitting this application for membership in the Prince Frederick Volunteer Rescue Squad (PFVRS), I authorize investigation of all statements contained therein. I hereby authorize PFVRS to make any contacts considered necessary for me to become a member, such as current employers, criminal records, etc. It is understood and agreed that any misrepresentation by me in this application, will be sufficient cause for cancellation of the application or for separation from PFVRS as a member at any time. I understand that this application is the property of Prince Frederick Volunteer Rescue Squad and will become part of my personnel file if I am accepted as a member.
POLICY STATEMENT: PFVRS is an equal opportunity organization and shall not discriminate against any member or applicant due to age, sex, marital status, national origin, religion, race, physical or mental handicap unrelated to the performance of the job or any other prohibited reasons. The Membership Committee will review this application and additional information developed during background checks. Applicants may be disqualified for criminal conduct. If applicant is less than 18 years of age, a parent or legal guardian MUST submit this application.